Thursday 7 January 2016

Phase One Project Announced by The Great Big Bo-Beanie

Tough times ahead in 2016 mean a cancellation of Fall Time vacation. 2016 begins with a pursuit f new job in The Otineka Mall's food court. Breakfast cookery in the greasy spoon is a complicated style of culinary arts. "You need the fundamentals of culinary arts to burn through the tickets during lunch" says Mr. Veripapa. The lunch rush is a mix of afternoon meals and breakfast orders from impatient customers on their lunch breaks. "At the end of the day I like to go for photography walks". 

"My mind is in overdrive" reports Mr. Veripapa. He was laid off from his workplace in late December. His coping mechanism for dealing with big rocks is to see the forest from the trees. "I like to build myself up for long winded conversations with myself on camera". The Food Handlers Examinations are coming up in Febuary. Renewing an old food handlers certificate (issued in 2008) is long overdue. 

Sean is working on graduating from his learner's driving liscence in hopes of finding higher employment. Even he's not sure thats not a wise idea to choose a new career path out of nessecity for survival. The drivers lessons renew his confidence that one day things will be different. "People always treated me like I'm underneath them. I don't want to prove I'm better than anyone. I want to do what makes me happy". 

The Great Big Bo-Beanie come to him one evening to discuss plans for a 17 Step Program for Acheiving Goals. 'Phase One' is currently underway. Phase One is taking shape. This phase represents doing what you love. "Who wants to do pushups after a long day of work?". The Great Big Bo-Beanie is "the narrator" of Sean's life. He is the metaphor for 'conciousnes' like Jiminey Crickett & Pinochio. 

The Phase One Project is about starting fresh and rediscovering what makes you happy. The day can start off with a kombucha besides a stool. You can practice your old hobbies you forgotten about. "Everything I've ever done to improve myself was under surveilance". Sean feels as if nobody wanted him to succeed in his goals. "I'm going to stop worrying about receiving approval. If I want to get into shape I'll treat myself like a human experiment. The only reason I like to get into shape is to learn more about the human body. Science is my forgotten interests from childhood".

Sean beleives the reason people feel the need to lose weight around New Years is to look good half-naked in summer. "I combine my values with my interests and hobbies". The program starts with reflecting on his earliest memories. His lifes experiences are jotted down on a computer for future referrence. The memories are strategically placed on a large paper to form a timeline of his life. The purpose of the timeline is to unlock dormant memories. "I feel like I haven't known myself up until I formed the timeline. In meditation practice these memories kept flinging themselves at me. I couldn't ignore the psychological effects they had on me". 

During puberty our bodies undergo subtle changes. "I remember my Uncle Steve asking 'do you know how to tune the radio yet?". In our teenage years our ego's are vulnerable to insecurities about how we feel about our bodies. John Lennon wanted to learn guitar to impress the girls at his private school in Liverpool. In teenage years we're concerned with getting people to ;like us' to make us feel 'accepted'. 

"Since highschool I wanted to feel accepted by my hipper dorkier friends. Even they had girlfriends and they were super dorky". The Phase One project will collect information on what Sean's body is capable of. In the future more intense experiments will be announced on The Squeek & Squawk Transponder. 

"In my teenage years I was distracted by trying to fit in and get good grades in school My dream was to learn how to be an extroidinary martial artist. In those days 'tricking' was a popular sport. I felt inspired to learn how to jump off walls and twist in mid-air". The highschool years were frustrating learning how to cope with a learning disorder. "I am currently reflecting on how going vegan improved my memory. I can read three books a day thanks to Tai Lopez's 67 Steps program. My ability to focus on books in the past dwindled between the television. Tai Lopez's program teaches me smart reading techniques to get in more reading time. The books I owned fifteen years ago are still sitting on my shelves. Each time I pick them up I feel like I'm forming a stronger relationship with those topics". 

In an upcoming art project Sean will record a Mega Rant on Camera under the umbrella term "Phase One". "Its a video that will make an everlasting impression on the rest of my life". No more self-help books for this self-help junkie. "Maybe, a little here and there". The question remains "what is in store for 2016?". "I am grateful for my here guitar and sketchbook. They're my alternative pain killers".

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